Monday, November 28, 2011


Salam all..

Here I am we r gonna talk bout Cambridge trip..weee~!! I was there yesterday which was on 27th Nov 2011.. and how was the trip??? guess.. soo many experienced !..yeahhh~~gonna tell u guys along the essay later..hoho.. but it was fun though~ =) .. SeROnot + hmmmm

We rode a bus (Vision Company ke mende tah).. at 9 am in front of the library.. and wee~~~ it took us about 3hours++ to reach in Cambridge.. bila dah smpai.. strech2.. and yeah~! the first place to go is THE PUNTING~!!.. woohoo.. cantik woo..

Isnt it so pretty! yeahh.. we rode that! weee~ 5 pounds per person.. T_T

one of the Punting groups.. ^^,

yup2.. the punting experienced was so fun.. we were punting along the was soooooo funnnn~!!! yeahhh.. cuma kak umi, kak fai, atul and citah je yg x der... agaga.. pegi sana sorang2.. eby xdpt dtg sbb ade exam.. supposedly pegi ngn other malay students.. but then.. budak2 tu cancel last2 minutes.. maka.. bermulalah pengembaraan bersama group student Chinese malay.. and Hong Kong~! yeahhh.. wohoooo~!! T_T .. moral.. jgn la pegi jln2 kalau xde best fren..

so..nak jadikan cerita.. after punting..yeah.. let s go walk around the Cambridge city.. wohoo.. semasa berjalan menuju ke bndar kecil itu.. then suddenly :

stupid guy: hello..hey..i just want ur 30 sec time..this is punting.. (smbil memegang board punting).. bla bla bla bla..

sengal..xde nak tnya kiotrang dulu ke..dah naik ke belom..main terjah je.. aish2.. (time ni ok je).. maka aku dengarlah penerangannya.. in the middle the enthusiasm talked...then Meliss interrupted him..

Melissa : oh we ve been there..

dengan rasa bersalah dan kesian melihat kebersungguhan jntan itu menerangkan segala2..aku mencuit Melissa ( let him say wat he wanna say).. so that..later we just gonna say no.. or.. we ll come back later la kan.. xtau la intention aku ni salah ke ape kan..kesian pulak tgk die terangkan punting tuh dengan bersunguh2..then.. habis la budak tu menerangkan sume.. dan aku hanya mengangguk2.. then here it comes the most crucial part.. yeahh~!!..

the stupid guy : let s go.. come2.. (paksa2)

me : errrr.. we ll come back later..we wanna see around Cambridge for awhile..later k..

the stupid guy : y? later it will be closed..u cant even enter the colleges coz they are all closed now...come.. (smbil buat muka pelik and paksa2)..


the stupid guy : or.. u guys have been there? (baru nak tnya?.. sengal!!!)

me : errrr... yeah.. "^^,

then..the moment freeze..

stupid stupid guy : F**K you!!! y are u wasting my precious time!!!!!!

......... tergamam

yeah.. tht was my experienced..hohoho..sabar jela.. maka.. selanjutnya.. berjalan2 la lagi.. dan ahli2 group berenti di kedai kopi dan eskrem dan crepes..dan menjamu selera..its already 3pm..memandang aku sorang je yg ve asked excused from Melisssa (meet melissa..Malaysian chinese.. one of my fren here ^^,) pray jama' zuhur dan asar..

Melissa : yeah..go go..i wait for u here.. (Thanks Allah..she understand me)

so..jalan2 lah mencari tempat yg xde org..mane la jln kosong ramai gila dan bersesak2 di Cambridge la..sume nak tgk Cambridge tu cam mana kan..famous la katakan..aigoo..

pencarian bermula..tapi xberjumpa..naseb baik dah amek wudu' awal2 tadi.. so..xdela gelabah nak carik bilik air pulak.. then.. yeah.. jumpa.. satu lorong yg agak kecil..but still ramai juga org yg lalu lalang..tapi better from the place outside which was really crowded with people..

letak kompas..dan bentang sejadah.. (time2 gini..kompem..memang xkusyuk solat..aduss..ya RabBb..Ighfirli..).. maka.. bertahanlah dengan padangan pelik matsalleh yg penuh dengan tanda tnya.. yeah..and I could also heard

anynomous : what is she doing?

hahaha.. menandakan solatku memang xkusyuk.. dan boleh rasa juga mereka men snap picture ku.. yeahh..famous sungguh hari ni.. tapi Alhamdulillah.. walaupon sorang..tapi Allah limpah rahmatnya dan memberikan aku courage untuk meng ignore 'them'.. nnti dlm kubuq.. solat aku jugak yg kene tnya.. bukan diorang kan? =)
Moral : kalau ada kemahuan..di situ ada jalan

then.. lepas round2 Cambridge..we ve heading back to Portsmouth at 5 30pm..and arrived around 9 pm.. solat jama' isya ngn maghrib kat rumah natra.. and.. alhamdulillah.. had nasik lemak for dinner..thanx Ummi and natra..coz jamu nasik lemak kol 12 pagi.. haha


and now... the coursework~!!!!!!!!!!! agagagaa..bnyaknyeee~~

Friday, November 18, 2011



Setelah sekian lama..tiba2 rasa nak update belog..^^, ..Alhamdulillah..dah sebulan lebih menjadi student University of Portsmouth dan juga penduduk bandar kecil Portsmouth,UK ni..Well..I am doing good so far.. dalam masa sebulan..macam2 pengalaman juga dah berlaku..There s only one word that comes to mind bout those English people~ C.O.L.D hoho

Alhamdulillah..segala puji bagi Allah..moga2 aku sentiasa menjadi hambanya yang sentiasa bersyukur.. dapat menimba ilmu di tanah United Kingdom..bumi Allah yang sama...tapi suasana dan cuaca cukup berbeza..di kelilingi manusia2 yang majoritinya melupai tuhan yang sebenarnya..membuatkan aku sedikit sebanyak menghargai Malaysia.. dan yang paling penting menghargai nikmat ISLAM..

اللهم أعني على ذكرك وشكرك وحسن عبادتك
"Ya Allah ya Tuhan kami,bantulah kami untuk ingat padaMU,syukur padaMU & perelokkanlah ibadah kami terhadapMU"

About my classes..Alhamdulillah...Allah is helping me to be toughed and strong..classes are fun.. I ve also making new friends..most of my classmates are from Nigeria..they are all nice and warm.. Bammy,Rossa,Iffy,Kennedy,Prince,Mark,Dammi, and other classmates are from Arab countries, India, Europe, Romania (Andrew and Erkin.. =P).. fuhh... mat salleh cuma sorang je.. Mr Michael.. rambut dah beruban..but i think he s genius..dia buat courseworks sorang2..dlm kelas..dia je yang dok jawab soalan..even sume orang tak paham kelas Mr papademetrou.. surprisingly..he s the only person who can raised his hand and asked ..hehe...dan tiap2 hari dan minggu ayat yang famous adalah..

student1 : hi how are you today?
student2 : yeah im fine..thnx.. wat bout u?

bila hari jumaat

student 1 : have a nice weekeend
student 2 : u too

Maybe im gonna miss those conversations when Im goin back to Malaysia later..haha..
But still, xleh nak di banding dengan suasana UIA.. seriously.. I really missed those degree moments.. sob sob.. kak umi, nadiatul,kak fai, citah...and rakan2.. wuwuwuwu~

For Msc students..we have no midterms and quizzes here. Only courseworks which we called assignments in big coursework for each subject..30% from total marks.. fuhh..sungguh malas nak buat.. ya rabB..jauhilah aku dari kemalasan.. =P.. courseworks dah berlambak2..tapi malas nak buat..midterm dan kuiz xder..soo sungguh rilek smpai xsedar teaching weeks dah nak habis..dan date line semakin hampir..adusss~!

Portsmouth city is quite ok..except for those English people here who are quite arrogant and rude towards 'foreigners'.. yang lain Ok lah.. huhu.. cuaca Portsmouth xsesejuk tempat lain..paling rendah suhu..1 degree celcius but mostly suhu is around 6-7 degree now..gigil2 la jugak...masa mula2 sampai..masyAllah..gigil2.. pakai baju 2-3 lapis..tapi housemates sume rileks aje.. siap pakai t-shirt je.. ^^,

Malaysian pon agak ramai kat sini.. tiap2 jumaat ade usrah..Alhamdulillah... K lah.. stop kat sini la.. lots to write..but I am afraid the box wont fit..haha.. gotta save some of the stories for later.. =P